Loyola International Nachbahr Huis on Schapenstraat |
The first few weeks here we all felt like sheep, getting herded around and learning to navigate the city. It took us a few weeks to get our bearings.
Baa-ram-ewe |
Our director, Dr. Hughes, his wife Sue, and the house director Christel were awesome and they made the adjustment period a lot easier. We also went to France, Amsterdam, and 3 different towns in Belgium with them, and in the Spring they're taking us on a trip to Italy.
Dr. Hughes and Sue, world travelers, in Istanbul for Christmas break |
So far, I've managed not to be hit or hit anyone while riding my bike around town (crossing my fingers), and I've already ridden in more trains, flown in more planes, and slept in more airports than I ever thought possible. I'm having a great time in Europe and enjoying every second because it will probably be a long time before I have a chance to make it back to Europe. This blog will be a way for me to talk about the different experiences I have had and hope to have this coming semester. Thanks for reading!